About Emy

Learn about our VBS Director Emy.


Emy Clayton

VBS Director
Contact Emy

Calvary Bible Church has been my home church for 25+ years because of the leadership's commitment to God, His Word, and His people. I grew up here, met and married my husband Andrew here, and now we get to raise our 4 children here.

The summer before I entered 4th grade I was invited by a neighbor to attend VBS at Calvary Bible Church. By the next week I had convinced my mom to bring me back for Sunday School, and I have been attending CBC ever since. I am forever thankful for how God used the outreach aspect of the VBS ministry to bring me to Calvary and eventually a saving knowledge of Him.

I am thankful to be able to stay home full-time and homeschool my 4 children. I enjoy gardening in my free time and sushi date nights with my husband.

My prayer for Calvary is that we'd continue to grow in love and dedication to serve and worship God.

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