Given the devastating impact of the SoCal Fires, our Pastors & Elders are encouraging us to donate to Samaritan's Purse relief efforts. Read more about how to support those in need here.

About Mark

Learn about our deacon, Mark Mulcahey

2201WEB_StaffNLeaders_MulcaheyMark Mulcahey

Contact Mark

The Lord humbled me and graciously called me to saving faith when my wife Tina went to be with the Lord 02/15/2000. I have worked for a family electronic company for forty-three years and have served at Calvary Bible Church for the past thirteen years. God is good all the time!

Calvary is home because it's the place where I found a family and home that teaches God’s Word, worships in spirit and truth, and also first welcomed me as a lost brother now found. The most important ministries to me are prayer and evangelism. I currently serve as deacon of Hospitality while facilitating the Wednesday Prayer Meeting and joyfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets for Burbank on Saturday nights. God always answers my prayer to tell someone about Jesus. Please join us to bless and be blessed! My prayer for my beloved family at Calvary Bible Church is that we'd be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ through the reading, teaching, and obedience of God's Word. I hope we all are light and salt in this darkened world.

My favorite things to do in this world is to worship together as a family and glorify God. I can do without many creature comforts in this world, but I can not live without my brothers and sisters in Christ.

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