Spring Update
"Be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near." James 5:7-8 (NLT)
We long for the Lord's return, yet we look eagerly for His harvest in the meantime. What a blessing to know that His Word is bringing forth fruit in the lives of people around the world, Even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances. We are hearing reports of many coming to faith through the recordings and through the testimonies of changed lives.
Report from GRN's Thai Team
This report comes from the GRN Thai team who worked among some Vietnamese in the Northeast: Praise the Lord: One more of Beh's sisters now goes to church often, and her nephew who recently believed, Tu, along with his family, is getting to know the Lord more and serving at the church. Also Chieu's daughter and husband are going to church often now.
GRN recordings were prepared for a previously unreached Hindu group which resulted in 15 people in the village giving their lives to the Lord. The GRN recordist, concerned for their growth in the Lord, did a follow up visit and found them wanting a church. Pray for a church plant for the Meyor people.
Report from GRN Trainer
This request comes from a trainer working with our recordists: We know how difficult it can be as a recordist missionary going into many difficult and dangerous situations that the enemy doesn't always like. Yes there is a spiritual battle going on to keep people in darkness. The recordists are often on the sharp end of these attacks of the enemy. That's why prayer and encouragement are essential for our teams from our prayer partners and supporters. Please pray for all our recording teams and the work they do. One of our students while giving his testimony shared from Jeremiah 1:4-8. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations....You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you...”
GRN Ministry Prayer Requests
Here in Temecula, in the home office, we too need your prayers. We are endeavoring to be paitient, to take courage, and to do whatever God commands us. Changes in technology, financial needs, and personnel challenges keep us on our knees before the Lord. Please pray with us for the Lord's solutions and provisions for all that is on our hearts to accomplish for HIS glory.
Personal Prayer Requests
- Praise the Lord with us for our continued good health, although we do have some dental work needing done in the near future.
- We are hoping to travel to Texas and Missouri in August to visit family and ministry partners. Pray for the Lord's provision for this trip.
- Pray that our summer trip will be a blessing to others and that God will use us for His glory.
- Please uphold our local church, Crosspoint, as we've begun a new prayer ministry focus. We're serving on this team.
Thank you all for sharing in our lives. You encourage us by your prayers and interest in GRN. May you be richly blessed each day in the Savior's love.
Roland and Irene