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Dear Calvary Bible Church Family,

No doubt the recent fires have been devastating to Los Angeles. There are those of you who know people who have lost everything and some who have been injured, maybe even killed in this tragedy. Some of our own people were evacuated or without power for a time.  Some of you have asked how we as a church can help. Indeed, whenever possible, we want to be the hands, feet and mouthpiece of Jesus, here on this earth, in our community and surrounding communities (especially the Eaton fire victims of Altadena and Pasadena). We want to share the love of Christ in word and deed.

Here’s what we recommend so far: if you’d like to contribute financially, we see no better ministry than that of Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse. When Hurricane Helene hit, we gave you their website so you could contribute. They are a solid, Christian-based disaster relief ministry. In coming days and weeks, there may be other opportunities for volunteer service through them, as they plan to mobilize here in Los Angeles as soon as possible.

Donate to Samaritan's Purse here. We'll keep you posted about upcoming opportunities to serve. 

Until volunteer opportunities through a Christian or faith-based group like Samaritan’s Purse materialize, please feel free to find other avenues to volunteer. The following websites have extensive lists of organizations to volunteer through, including The Red Cross. You can click on the following links for this information: LA Times Volunteers or LA2050 Volunteers. Please know that we are not endorsing these websites except for their lists of LA fire-help opportunities. Though the organizations seeking volunteers are mostly secular, this is a great opportunity to put on your CBC t-shirt, round up a few other CBC folks and go represent Christ and Calvary Bible Church to our surrounding communities. Again, we hope to have some more concrete service opportunities to share with you soon. 

And of course pray, pray, pray. Pray for the comfort and care of those who have lost loved ones, been injured or seen their homes or businesses destroyed. Pray for the firefighters, emergency personnel, and volunteers that are working tirelessly to end these fires and give people the help they need. Pray for our government officials who need to make many decisions. Pray the Lord would keep the winds still and give favorable conditions for fighting these fires. Pray that God would provide gospel opportunities for His church to offer the hope of Jesus.

In Matthew 9:35-36, we read, "Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. 36 Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd."

The Elders of CBC

Contact the Church Office

Service Opportunity 2/7/2025*

Opportunity to Serve with Eaton Fire Disaster Clean Up Learn More

*Article Updated on 1/30/2024