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The Passover Meal

With the religious leaders intent on finding opportunity to put Jesus to death, and Jesus knowing that this death for sinners is why He came, the Lord instructs His disciples to make preparations for the Passover meal.

While in the Upper room, the Lord reveals to them His impending death, speaks to them about His betrayal, and institutes the Lord's Supper. His impending death is to be remembered and His return anticipated, as believers in the future celebrate the Lord's Supper.

Still in the Upper room, the Lord gives the disciples an object lesson concerning true greatness by washing their feet, as well as prays for them to His Father, in the most intimate prayer ever uttered.

Later, Jesus and His disciples make their way to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus will be betrayed with a kiss and taken into custody. The stage is set for His substitutionary death on behalf of sinners.

Read more in these Gospel accounts: Matthew 26:17-46; Mark 14:12-42; Luke 22:7-46; John 13:1-17:26