Celebrate Christmas with Calvary
Our world is filled with people who are in constant search of identity, but are either unsure where to find it, or are grasping at the wind in other answers that can only provide temporary satisfaction. As children of God, we have a hope that is certain and a future that is being prepared for us because of Christ. As the long-awaited Messiah, Jesus provided a way of hope and salvation for all who would call upon His Name. Whether you're a member, regular attendee, or first-time visitor to Calvary Bible Church, we invite you to join us for this year's festivities.
See our Christmas Events
- Where's Calvary Bible Church? 1101 S Main St Burbank, CA 91506
- Where can I park? We have a parking lot connected to our building as well as overflow parking available in the Business Center lot on Alameda (near Yaki's Food stand).
- Are there Handicap accommodations? We have handicap spots, pews clearly marked for wheelchairs, and an elevator to get to the second floor. An Usher or Welcome Center Host can assist you in finding these accommodations.
- Am I expected to dress a certain way? Please feel free to dress comfortably. Our desire is that your focus would be on worshipping God with us, and not on what you are wearing. Some dress casual and some wear their "Sunday Best." What's important is worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.