CBC Classes

CBC Classes

July 20, 2024

Role: Evangelist

Speaker: Luis Avila Series: Men's Breakfast: Godly Excellence in a Man's Roles

Luis Avila taught us about a man’s role as “evangelist.”

We are called to lead in the area of evangelism. 

  • We have to have the initiative to act first, and to set the example for those we lead in our homes and in the church.
  • We must know that evangelism is one of the primary roles of the church, that God calls all believers to evangelism, and that evangelism is the method God has ordained to save the lost.

God’s word is what will lead people to Christ (Romans 10:17), so our core tool to evangelize is scripture, such as John 3:16, Romans 10:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, and Ephesians 2:8-9. 

We also need to consider examples in Scripture for instruction on how to evangelize, such as Pauls’ sermon to Greek philosophers on Mars Hill in Acts 17:16-34. 

Attempting to find common ground with unbelievers using philosophy and evidence without the presentation of the gospel is an ineffective way to evangelize.  Examples of this are:

  • Philosophical arguments for the existence of God (such as the Ontological, Teleological, and Moral Arguments) 
  • ”Evidence” based approaches, such as set forth in Lee Strobel’s “The Case for Christ”

We can fulfill our responsibility and mission to be an evangelist and tool for God to use to reconcile Himself to the world through:

  • Knowing the Gospel, by studying the passages in scripture that teach us these principles.
  • Welcoming any opportunity to share our faith.
  • Letting people in our lives know that we are Christians.
  • Praying daily to behave consistent with our faith, showing love, mercy, and compassion.

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