Role: Citizen
Speaker: Walt Robertson Series: Men's Breakfast: Godly Excellence in a Man's Roles
Walt Robertson taught us about godliness in our role as “citizen.”
First, our primary citizenship is in the kingdom of heaven, with primary loyalty to our King, Jesus. We therefore:
- Spend time alone with our King, and worship Him, in prayer, in studying the Word of God, and in confession.
- Are devoted to our fellow citizens in His church.
- Have our deepest friendships with our fellow citizens in heaven.
- Show to the world our unity as fellow believers and citizens of Heaven.
Our secondary citizenship is to the United States. While the United States constitution, bill of rights, and institutions are precious to us, we must realize those temporal things are nothing compared to Christ, the Word of God, and the church.
We live out our United States citizenship by being a positive influence and fighting for policies we believe are Godly and wise. However, in doing so, our actions must be measured through the lens of eternity, by:
- Conducting ourselves wisely with nonbelievers, and let our speech (online or in person) be gracious. We need to ask ourselves, will what we are about to say or post (even though true) further the gospel. (Col 4:5-6)
- Knowing that nonbelievers’ unbiblical worldviews are not their primary problem; not knowing Christ is. That neighbor who is living an immoral lifestyle has the problem of not being a citizen of heaven, rather than immorality per se.
- Avoiding eagerly and imprudently involving ourselves in online/in person disagreements and conflicts. (Prov 26:17)
- Tempering our enthusiasm over political victories and our disappointment over political losses, as they are temporal.
- Avoiding pledging too much fealty to sinful leaders just because we have some political commonality with them. Instead, trust the Lord and His plan.
- Supporting online voices and social media sites that advance the gospel, by rating, subscribing, and sharing them.
other Messages in this series
December 21, 2024
Prioritization of a Man's Roles
September 21, 2024
Role: Man of God
Speaker: Bruce Wendler Series: Men's Breakfast: Godly Excellence in a Man's Roles
August 17, 2024
Role: Friend
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