We are a Mission-Focused Church
We believe in Christ’s singular mission for His church of advancing the Gospel by making disciples. This mission is to be the highest goal of the church, both locally and globally, and not just a part of a general philosophy.
Therefore, we focus on our local community -- our neighborhoods, our homes, and our workplaces -- aiming to reach the lost by means of the proclamation of the Gospel, with the goal of adding worshippers to His church as people are saved from their sins through the message of the gospel, by the power of God. We also engage in efforts in other countries, aiming to reach people for Christ by equipping national church leaders and facilitating church planting wherever churches are needed. You can learn all about our Missionaries at our annual Missions Conference in March.
Read below for a summary about each missionary and organization we support. Each ministry has specific needs and ways we can be praying for them. To find out more, you can contact them directly through the church office or their supported organization's website link below.
Don & Kathy Allen serve with The Navigators on the campus of Cal-State Long Beach. They take the good news of the Gospel to students, by both proclamation and outreach in relational networks. The campus draws students from all nations, who are exposed to the Gospel, with the hopes that they will take that Gospel message back to their nations. Discipleship takes place with the goal of passing on to others what has been entrusted to them and raising up more laborers to go out with the good news of the Gospel.
Claudia Calderon serves with Child Evangelism Fellowship in Los Angeles, with the goal of bringing the good news of the Gospel to children in the Spanish-speaking communities. Claudia teaches and provides training for reaching children through Good News Clubs in homes, housing projects, parks, community centers and schools.
Tim Carns works primarily with The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), with the goal of equipping pastors both locally and internationally to better understand God’s Word and more accurately teach it.
Goodwin & Justine Deng serve with Campus Crusade for Christ on the campus of UCLA. As campus field staff, their focus is on reaching university students both stateside and overseas in a closed country in Asia. While serving through various means, the emphasis is on winning students to Christ through evangelism, building students up through discipleship, and sending them out to further the Great Commission. The hope is to partner with local churches in this endeavor, and to raise up national leadership towards self-sustaining movements and church plants.
Edward & Silvia Emsheimer serve with Ethnos360 (former New Tribes Mission) in Brazil, at Shekinah Missionary Training Center. Shekinah’s purpose is to assist the local church in training and discipling Brazilian missionary candidates for cross-cultural church-planting ministry in Brazil and around the world. Ed teaches classes in linguistics, missionary anthropology, fundamental Bible teaching, Bible translation principles, and culture and language acquisition, is involved in the discipleship of students, and is part of Shekinah’s leadership, as well as the overall Brazil field leadership team. Silvia disciples single and married ladies, assists in the language and culture practicum, cares for their daughter Lillian, and oversees the guesthouse ministry.
Tim & Toni Ghrist serve with Lighthouse for Christ Mission, whose purpose is to heal the spiritual and physical blindness of the many on the East Coast of Africa, especially targeting the Muslim people living in the area. The evangelistic eye clinic that Tim oversees is used to reach, in a friendly way, the citizens of Kenya for Christ. The ministry is also committed to planting and encouraging community churches, by providing training and discipleship of young pastors.
The Ks serve in the Middle East. Their mission purpose is to build personal relationships with unsaved nations, evangelize, and build one-on-one discipleship relationships, with the hopes of working alongside the local church to progress church planting initiatives.
Roland & Irene King serve with Global Recordings in Temecula, with the overall purpose of reaching tribal or illiterate peoples with the Gospel through the recorded message, and helping them connect with churches for spiritual growth, discipleship, and encouragement. Roland works as the Shipping Supervisor at the organization’s headquarters. Irene works in the home office as the Executive Assistant to the Director.
Aleksei & Natasha Kuznetsov serve with The Master’s Academy International (TMAI) through a church plant in St. Petersburg, Russia. TMAI is a non-profit organization providing educational and financial resources to a fellowship of biblically sound training ministries world-wide. These qualified centers are committed to preparing gifted men to lead and plant churches in the context of their own country and culture. These men are trained to evangelize, equip others for local church service, and entrust this ministry to the next generation of faithful men.
Sean & Jessica Ransom serve with Grace Ministries International in the Philippines. Sean trains pastors at The Expositor’s Academy (TEA), a TMAI training center in Manila, in partnership with three local churches in the area. The focus is on expository preaching and pastoral ministry. Sean’s goal is to fully establish the Master’s Academy (TMAI) with certificate, B.A., M.Div. and doctoral programs for men who are already in the ministry or desiring to be equipped to be ministers.
Kyle & Christine Ricedorff serve with Grace Ministries International. Kyle and Christine intend to serve the local church in Poland along with another TMS grad. In addition to ministering to the members of this local church, they would hope that the church could become a model for expository preaching and biblical ministry so that men from Poland could visit and be trained to handle the Word rightly. Help contribute to their church's aid for Ukrainian refugees here.
Philippe & Sophia Viguier serve with Grace Ministries International (GMI) in France. Philippe serves as lead pastor of a French-speaking church to multiply disciples, leaders and churches through discipleship, formal training, and church planting.
Marty & Pat Wolf serve with Friends of Israel in presenting the Gospel to Jewish people in a context to which they can relate and to help others do the same. They educate both Jewish and Gentile communities about biblical truths relating to God’s enduring program for the Chosen People and the church. Besides the daily witnessing opportunities, Marty and Pat organize and conduct evangelism workshops, Root & Branch Jewish fellowship meetings, and Passover Seder presentations.
Anonymous Missionaries These Undisclosed Missionaries work for a TMAI training center in the MENA region (currently operating in Lebanon and Egypt), training pastors and church leaders in Biblical exposition. They are also members in an Egyptian, Arabic-speaking church seeking to serve and strengthen through faithful service.
Avenues Pregnancy Clinic in Glendale provides counseling, prenatal and ultrasound examinations and practical support to women facing crisis pregnancies. Avenues encourages women to complete their pregnancies by providing information regarding the life of the unborn child, and by giving parenting information and spiritual direction as to God’s love for her and her child. Avenues also provides post-abortion counseling for women traumatized by previous abortions. Mari Wingate is the regional director of Avenues Pregnancy Clinic.
CBC Evangelism is a team of dedicated evangelists, who go out on the streets of Burbank, Glendale, and occasionally North Hollywood and Hollywood, to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. Contact Scott Smith for times and locations for the regular Saturday night outreach.
Frank & Gabriela Ayala and Syria Kochner serve with Lifeline Global Ministries in the Los Angeles County jails, providing Biblical teaching to restore and equip incarcerated men and women to become godly parents. The goal is to help break the generational cycle of incarceration and to challenge fathers and mothers to be the leaders and nurturers whom God has designed them to be.