Weather Matters
Dear Church Body,
We are very thankful that for the past two weeks we have been able to meet comfortably utilizing the building that God has so kindly blessed us with.
That being said, we also desire to have the greatest number of people gather together at one time. We see that this scenario occurs when we have the ability to meet outdoors. As elders, we have agreed that though not always ideal, we would like to make this happen when possible.
However, there are several factors that we will consider before we return on any given Sunday outside. Our greatest concern is the weather. The Tech Team has provided us with guidelines for maximum/minimum weather conditions that could potentially cause damage to our equipment. We also want to take into consideration the church body’s comfort.
The decision has been made by the elders that we will assess the weather every Thursday at 10am to see the forecast for Sunday. If it’s projected to be less than 55 degrees at 6am, we’ll keep the service inside. (The technical rating for equipment is 50 degrees, but we have chosen 55 as the benchmark, so that there is a buffer for our decision.) There are other factors besides temperature, such as rain, wind and humidity, and those factors will be decided upon by the Thursday before as well.
So that you, the body, can follow along with us, we wanted you to know that we will be utilizing the Wunderground App (
Of course, there could always be last minute changes, but our desire by preparing this way is to minimize that, as well as keep you informed. We will send out our decision with the Friday church-wide email each week.
We understand that not everyone will be comfortable with our decision, but we continue to desire to honor our Lord, respect those in authority and protect you, the church body. And once again as a reminder, masks must be worn at all times, while on the church campus.
Thank you for your understanding, and please continue to lift your elders up in prayer, as we navigate through these upcoming months.
The Elder Team at Calvary Bible Church