Given the devastating impact of the SoCal Fires, our Pastors & Elders are encouraging us to donate to the Samaritan's Purse relief efforts. There will also be a special prayer meeting at 4pm on Sunday 1/12 in the Worship Center.

We who are committed participants at Calvary Bible Church are striving to follow God’s direction in all areas of our lives. One of those areas is our giving to His work here at Calvary. We see our stewardship of the financial resources which God has given us as an act of faith and joyful worship. 2 Corinthians 9:7 clearly states "Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver".

If you are just visiting this site or Calvary Bible Church in person, please don’t feel obligated to give your money to the church. If you choose to give, here are a few ways to do so:





Please note that we are not considered a goods or service. Venmo



Zelle allows you to make scheduled/recurring donations straight through your bank account. Many banks participate in Zelle transactions. Check with your bank provider before downloading the app. 


Checks or Cash

Make Checks Payable to Calvary Bible Church

Checks can be mailed to 1101 South Main Street, Burbank, CA 91506. You're also welcome to drop an envelope with cash or a check in our Foyer Drop Box.


All donations to Calvary Bible Church facilitate ministry, including paying staff & pastors, supporting our missionaries, providing materials for teaching and studying the Bible, maintenance of the church property, and much more. If you have any questions about your giving, feel free to reach out to the Financial Controller at