Given the devastating impact of the SoCal Fires, our Pastors & Elders are encouraging us to donate to Samaritan's Purse relief efforts. Read more about how to support those in need here.

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Our elders encourage us to give to and serve those who have been devastated by the fires in Southern California.

Is it wrong to ask God to bless us? No. However, should we be a little more concerned about blessing God? In Sunday’s text we heard Peter’s words, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:3).” Peter is pronouncing a blessing on God because He deserves to be blessed. How, then should we bless the Lord?

As we approach the Resurrection/Easter season, we the elders of CBC wanted to make much of this special time in the Christian calendar. In so doing, we’re leading the congregation in A Season of Prayer and Fasting.

On behalf of the Elders, Brad Kelley provides a reflection on a Daily Bible Reading entry and gives us reasons why we should be reading our Bibles. Join our CBC plan if you need the accountability. It's never too late to start.

On Christmas Day, let's remember what this Christmas season is really all about. Pastor Jay wrote a devotional for us.

When we find ourselves asking, "Where's the hope this Christmas?" We can look to what God promises us in Scripture through Immanuel. Read this short excerpt from the December 11th sermon from Pastor Jay. It's been transcribed and edited for clarity for those who might find it useful. In this sermon, Jay referenced an article that's been linked here for your edification.

Our Pastors and Elders update the church body on how they are shepherding the body through Mask Mandates and the Covid Pandemic. Read this letter written by our leaders, originally shared on June 21, 2021.