What's the purpose of fellowship groups?

Our fellowship groups serve as an opportunity for believers to have shepherding care and connect with other believers for mutual service and loving accountability. Whether we're studying a book of the Bible on Sunday, working through a topical series, or spending time together, we pursue the Lord alongside one another. We meet at 11am

3 Fellowship Group Essentials

1. Spiritual Growth

We are committed to teaching God’s Word in an accurate and practical manner, so that believers will grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, walking in loving obedience to God’s Word, and progressively becoming like Christ, for the glory of God.
Col 1:28-29; 2 Tim 3:14-172201WEB_FellowshipGroup-1

2. Deliberate Discipleship

We are committed to promoting and facilitating mutually-edifying, Christ-Exalting, life-on-life discipleship relationships, so that believers will diligently care for, serve, and practice Christ-like love in the use of their gifts toward one another
1 Pet 4:8-11; Heb 10:23-25

3. Gospel Mission

We are committed to challenging believers concerning the supreme mission of the Gospel, so that believers will faithfully witness for Christ in Word and deed, in obedience to the Great Commission of “making disciples” in whatever life context they find themselves.
Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:1-8

Fellowship Groups Currently Offered

The Bridge

Leader Tim Townsend & Casswell Goodman
Overview Sermon discussion
Format Large, interactive classroom dialogue
Time & Place 11am in Room WC4 upstairs & 7pm on Fridays in Room 6
Life Group Young Adults


Leaders Brock Bolde & Lew Stone
Overview Various topics related to marriage, parenting, family and life
Format Large, interactive classroom dialogue
Time & Place 11am in Room 1
Life Group Young Marrieds/Young Families

Common Ground

Leader Tim Townsend 
Overview Currently studying Hebrews
Format Classroom dialogue
Time & Place 11am in Room 5
Life Group Mixed Adults


Leader Pastor Jay Underwood
Overview Sermon discussion
Format Large, interactive classroom dialogue
Time & Place 11am in Room 2
Life Group Mixed Adults

Fellowship of the Saints

Leaders Jim Stone
Overview Currently studying Philippians
Format Small classroom dialogue
Time & Place 11am in Room 4
Life Group Mixed ages and stages


Leaders Brad Kelley, Mark Pichaj & Dale Van Treese
Overview Currently studying I Peter and the Parables of Jesus
Format Large, interactive classroom dialogue
Time & Place 11am in Room WC3
Life Group Mixed ages and stages 

Cast & Crew

Leader Pastor Jay Underwood
Overview Entertainment Industry Fellowship and Encouragement
Format Open Small Group Discussion
Time & Place 4pm in Room 5 once a month. Contact Jay for this month's date. 
Life Group Current and former actors/behind the scenes creatives