Role: Employee
Speaker: Jaime Zuniga Series: Men's Breakfast: Godly Excellence in a Man's Roles
Jaime Zuniga taught us about the role of “Employee”, the latest teaching in our 2024 series, “Godly Excellence in a Man’s Roles.”
We serve God first and foremost in everything that we do, including as an employee. Work was a part of God’s plan, starting first with Adam’s tending of the garden. Work was not and is not a punishment.
Sections of the book of Colossians provides important guidance as to how we are to act as employees.
- Colossians 3:17 says “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”
- Colossians 3:22 – 25 says “Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord. Whatever you do, do you work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”
While these passages refer to “slaves” and “masters” as they existed at the time they were written, it applies today to relationships where someone is under the authority of another, such as the employee-employer arrangement.
These passages tell us that we should seek to please the Lord and receive an inheritance, and avoid the penalty of not serving Him well, by following these key scriptural commands as employees:
- Be thankful to the Lord for our jobs. (Col 3:17)
- Obey anyone who is in authority over us, fully. Though we are to disobey any command that is contrary to the commands of God (Acts 4:1- 20, Acts 5:29).
- Faithfully, working hard at all times, whether our boss is looking or not. (Galatians 1:10)
- Sincerely, meaning with a singleness of mind to do the best job we can for our boss and for the Lord, even those tasks that we may not enjoy. (Ecc 9:10)
- Work reverently, meaning performing well even if we don’t respect our employer, or even if our employer does not treat us well or respectfully
other Messages in this series
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Prioritization of a Man's Roles
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Role: Citizen
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